How to Choose an Artist: Top 3 Considerations

There are so many factors that go into choosing a permanent makeup/cosmetic tattoo artist! I’ve personally been a customer with no knowledge of cosmetic tattoo when I had my own brows done the first time. I searched online for artists near me, screened photos and reviews, then made my decision. I basically approached my decision the same way I approach many other purchases and services. But knowing what I know now, I regret not seeking more information…like the different techniques available, background and ethics of the artist, pigments used, numbing protocol, if they pre-draw the design…to name a few. Did I have a bad experience? NO. Fortunately, my artist did a great job and I was comfortable and safe. To be honest, I was lucky. Should you chance it like I did?

You don’t have to…read on for my top 3 considerations (from a personal and professional lens) and don’t leave it to chance!  


Not surprised? This is #1 above of else in my opinion! DO YOU LIKE THE STYLE AND DESIGN OF THEIR PAST WORK? What techniques do they offer? When I first looked into permanent makeup, I didn’t know there were different techniques. I thought style and design meant ‘big brow’ or ‘little brow’/‘big arch’ or ‘little arch’. But style and design is not only size, it’s the shape, the fluff and direction of the hair strokes, polished or unkept, natural looking vs. makeup looking. This is very distinct from artist to artist. Does the artist have examples of their work available online? Does the artist have examples of their healed work also available online? Aside from style and design, healed work is a huge performance measure of a cosmetic tattoo artist. Great healed results mean pressure and color was correct and the right technique was used based on the individuals skin type. Poor healed results mean the opposite and errors can be irreversible without costly laser or saline removal. Are the before and after photos drastically different; did the artist go way outside of the clients natural brow hair? Are the brows symmetrical? Brows are sisters, not twins, but permanent makeup should at least improve symmetry issues and in some cases, may fully correct the symmetry. If all of the photo examples are side profiles, then it would be difficult to access brow symmetry. Does the artist offer other brow services? If they do shaping and tinting, perhaps schedule this service first to get a feel for their skill and style. Does the artist offer consultations? If they offer a consultation, this is a great way to meet the artist and get a better understanding of their process and what to expect the day of the appointment while discussing style, design, and technique options.

#2. PRICE $$

Okay… you found some amazing photos by an artist on instagram and you are getting excited! Then you go to their site to see the price and that excitement deflates a little. So, how much does it cost? Or maybe the better question you ask yourself is “how much should I invest?”. The price range is quite confusing as some artists charge a few hundred dollars while some charge over a thousand. Ever heard the phrase “you get what you pay for?”. I believe it’s true [most of the time] and especially true in the field of permanent makeup. I like to compare it to investing in a handbag, jewelry, or a pair of shoes. Except you can’t leave it in the closest when it’s not your vibe that day…it’s worn 24/7 and it’s on your face! Artists on the higher end of the price range tend to have invested more money and time in training, equipment, products, business, insurance, and their space. Some questions to ask- Is the touch up appointment included in the cost or is that a separate cost? Does the artist accept or expect a tip? Is the Aftercare Kit included in the cost? Does the artist pre-draw the design before proceeding with the procedure? Does the artist use numbing before and during the procedure? Is the artist certified and insured? Where and how much training does the artist have? How in-demand is the artist? Where is the artist located? How much experience does the artist have? What pigments and equipment does the artist use? These are a few examples of factors that channel into that final price-point. Not all of these questions may be answered clearly from their online or social media presence so don’t be afraid to ask before you book an appointment. Quite frankly, if an artist is charging a higher price point, you shouldn’t have to ask all of these questions because most are clearly answered through their website and social media. I have seen the work of artists charging at a higher price range…that didn’t use numbing, didn’t pre-draw, and didn’t do a great job. Don’t waste your money. Take the time to do the research and ask questions. It’s your beautiful face…no corners cut…no stone unturned!

#3. Safety & Ethics ☣️ 

As a customer new to permanent makeup this wasn’t something I gave much thought when selecting an artist. Not that I didn’t care, I think I just assumed there were national and state standards. Knowing what I know now, seeing others work, I should have made an effort to research this and I am now very vocal about how important this is.  Training is especially important because most states, to include TX, do not mandate minimum standards for training, nor is there a state certification exam. Just like a traditional tattoo artist, there are no formal training requirements or apprenticeship hours, etc. for a cosmetic tattoo artist to become certified other than the Bloodborne Pathogen Certificate. This certificate standardizes sterilization, sanitation, and protection safety measures but has no correlation to technique or artist skill. Furthermore, pigment and equipment choices vary from one artist to another and this is unregulated in the US. It is up to the artist to do the research to ensure pigments are proven safe and effective and the ingredient list doesn’t contain potentially harmful substances. For example, the EU has the most strict pigment standards globally so companies that meet those standards are likely the safest available on the market. It’s up to the artist to ensure cartridges and microblades are sourced from companies that have high inspection, sterilization and quality control measures. This is a lot of responsibility for an artist and not all artists are up for the task. This puts the onus on the consumer to do their research and thoroughly screen out artists. Nevertheless, there are highly trained, ethical, and talented cosmetic tattoo artists out there who do beautiful work for your choosing!  Typically, as described in the first two considerations, results and cost will be reflective of safety and ethics. I believe most artists genuinely want to do a good job and the most successful…meaning permanent makeup masters, take their craft VERY seriously adopting protocols that go above and beyond industry standards, invest in continuing education, and practice practice practice (twice on Sunday). Pro tip: If you are unsure about an artist or maybe they don’t have a lot of their work available to view as examples, look up the artist trainer or training academy where the artist received their certifications. This is typical for new artists just getting started.


These are just a few considerations to help you in choosing an artist. Finding an artist you can trust is paramount. Start with examples of their work, this gives you a feel for their style and design and then go from there. Beware of examples of “artists work” that are stock photos or highly filtered/edited photos. This can be hard to detect sometimes but typically evident in the consistency of their photo examples. Cosmetic tattoo is a wonderful investment and I wouldn’t choose this profession as an artist if I didn’t believe in its transformative power. But it’s also on your face, you can’t throw a jacket over it…it’s on display loud and proud everyday. Brows can alter your appearance and beautiful brows that YOU love (because it’s all about you, let’s be honest) can have a powerful impact on how you look AND FEEL. At the end of the day, before you commit to a decision on permanent makeup, commit to an artist you can trust!  


I hope you find this information useful! At Sun Siren Brow, my goal is to give you a beautiful, natural looking result you will be happy with for the life of your permanent makeup. If you have any questions (you can ask some of the ones from above!) feel free to send a message to      

Kimberly Baird

After retiring from the military, Kimberly pursued her passion for art and beauty by becoming a certified permanent makeup/cosmetic tattoo artist in the Austin, TX area. When not creating beautiful brows for her clients, she spends her time writing, creating art, and loving on her children, dog, and family.

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